We offer suggestions as to how to use the pages,
but within the bounds of a few basic rules the ZCM is free to provide
content as they see fit.
This is a family oriented site.
No nudity, "adult content" or profanity.
This is an American Site. No Anti-American content.
Debate of public issues is OK, but if you want a forum to run down
the USA look elsewhere.
No file sharing, music downloads, etc.
There are plenty of other sites that allow you to upload
and download files. Most of the time these downloads violate
copyright laws. We will not allow this from our site.
Respect privacy. Never publish information that
John Jones of 123 Main Street and his family will be on vacation
from June 1-12. How would you feel if the Jones family came home
from vacation to find that their house had been cleaned out while
they were gone.
Also out of line would be to report that
The Jones's son flunked out of college, or that Mrs Jones
has had a breast lift.
Do not use to criticize or complain.
If you use your site to whine about the quality
of the service at your neighborhood gas station, do you think they
will advertise on your site? However, mentioning that one station
is 20 cents a gallon less than another, may be news.
Support the community. Use your site to improve the community.
Find out when the Senior Citizens are going
to have a bake sale,
when the boy scouts will start their popcorn
the time and location for the Jr. High Musical.
Organize a canned good drive for the rescue