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Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ

Zip Code Manager

What is a Zip Code Manager?

A Zip Code Manager (ZCM) is a member of the community. The ZCM is responsible for gathering and publishing news about the community and selling advertising. The ZCM determines the personality of their zip codes site. Other than a restriction against "adult" and "un-american" content, they are able to write and publish what ever fits their community.

How are Zip Code Manager paid?

ZCM's earn commission on advertising they sell as well as on ads that others sell for their site.

Are Zip Code Managers employees?

ZCM's are not employees of Connections They are independent contractors - which means that they are in business for themselves. They determine what they are going to publish to their site, how often to update materials, what hours they are going to work.

What does a person need to do to become a Zip Code Manager?

There are only a few simple requirements..

  • You must live in the zip code you want to represent.
  • You must be age 18 or over.
  • You must have Internet access. A high speed connection is not required.
  • You must have a desire to serve your community.

Additional information is at .

Can a Zip Code Manager represent more than one zip code?

Yes. Initially they are restricted to the zip code they live in. Once they have that site mastered, they are free to request additional (adjoining) zip codes.

Connections Planet

Why was this site created?

This site was created to serve our communities, at a "grass roots" level. It is a chance to show case our communities and those things that make us all unglue.

What is the mission of Connections Planet?

The mission of is to:

Provide a source for home town news and
advertising, for every zip code in the
United States, written by a member of the
community, to fit the needs of the community.

Why is the site design so basic?

There are several reasons for keeping the design of this site simple.

The size of web pages needs to be controlled. The site contains over 500,000 pages and even a little "extra" size to the pages will effect the speed page load for everyone.

Content is more important that design. Sites that go overboard on design are generally harder to navigate and serve little value other than showing off the skills of the designer.


What advertising opportunities are available?

There are several advertising opportunities available.

Text based ads. All zip code pages have spaces room for text based ads. These ads can contain a title of up to 50 characters and up to 500 characters of body text. An ad this size in your daily newspaper would be about 1 column by 3 inches. Prices for ads are quoted by your zip code manager.

Display ads. We can scan your business card and turn it into a banner ad. We can also create a banner ad for you to meet your specific needs.

Are there any Multi Site discounts?

Multi site, multi month and multi page rates are available. For example, you might want to advertise on the home page for your zip code, the health care information page, and all home pages within 50 miles.

If you want to advertise on all home pages in your state in which there is are at least 50 people over age 70 - we can do that.

If you want to advertise on all home pages in the USA in which there are at least 10 farms that raise hogs - we can do that.

How many pages are available to advertise on?

There are 33,507 residential zip codes in the United States. Unfortunately for the time being, we are limited by our web server to 32,760 zip codes. Each zip code has 15 page, so there are 491,400 pages available. In addition, if you want to run a full page ad, we can do that too.

Site Statistics

How much traffic does this site get?

In February 2009, we achieved the milestone of 50,000 page views in a single month (and a short month at that). For the past few months we have been doubling the page views every month. Want to see a graph of the sites page views? Click here.

Why report "page views" instead of "hits"?

"Hits" are a deceptive way of measuring traffic to a site. If you open a page on a site and it has three pictures on the page, the server log reports 4 hits.

If a web master wants to inflate the traffic to his or her site, they just have to put a couple hundred very tiny pictures (clear and too small to see) and they can report tens of thousands of "hits", and their web server log will agree. Page views in contrast require that that page be opened to count as a page view.

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