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About the "Sports" Page


The "Sports" Page is for community leagues, "Y" leagues, Little League, AYSO Soccer, or school teams in your community. The page is divided into three sections.


At the far left of the page is the mail menu, which is constant through all pages at Beneath the menu is space for special links and ads. These are ads for items such as the Connections Planet Dating site, and other special ads.



Anything from profiles of "street ball" or High School athaletes. If you are covering the Highschool football team, why not interview the third string player who stays with the team because he loves the game?

Cover the community!



The headlines are limited to 50 characters (which includes spaces). If you type more than 50 characters, the additional characters will be dropped. When you compose a headline, you are not trying to tell the story. Your goal is to let the reader know what the story is and to encourage them to read more. A headline that needs work might be:

3rd Grade at Main Street School presents a Concert.

A better headline is:

3rd Grade Spring Concert Features Jazz, Rock



The stories are limited to 1500 characters each. For most stories this will be plenty of room. Just remember to cover the "5w's & 1 h" (Who, what where, why, when and how).

Most importantly is don't worry too much about rules of journalism. Write as if you were talking to a neighbor. If you get in a bind, ask yourself, "What am I trying to say?, and write down your first response. Write it quick and move on.



Be careful what you write. Your friends and neighbors are not the only ones who will be reading your words. There are bad people out there - people who know how to misuse the Internet - unfortunately!. Do not write about:

  • a neighbor who is going on vacation for the next 2 weeks. Bad guys would love to know that the Jones family can afford a trip to Europe and that no one will be home for the next 2 weeks.
  • a neighbor has a disease, has had an accident or has had issues with law enforcement.


For safety reasons, inserting special codes (such as the code for bold, italics or special fonts) into your titles and text is not allowed. This is a security precaution to protect everyone's sites. Sorry, there can be no exceptions.


The space at the right side of the page is your advertising space. Every page on your cite can hold up to 12 ads.


We suggest that ads be priced at $25.00 per month. However this is up to you. A rural zip code with a few hundred people may not support that price, while a zip code site in downtown Atlanta, Chicago, D.C. (for example) may support higher rates. Pl ease... do not set your prices out of reach to your community. Our primary goal is to serve the community.


Ads that you sell for your site will earn you 50% commission. If you were to sell all ads (12 ads per page X 15 pages X $25.00) would generate $ 4,500.00 per month with your "piece of the pie" being $2,250 per month.

A company that sells security system may be interested in the home page and the "Public Safety" page.


This is the headline

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. This is a sample ad.


A standard sized ad is about 25 characters for the headline and about 350 characters for the body of the ad.

Up to 50 characters can be used for the headline and 500 for the ad body.

As an option, we can scan the advertisers business card or camera ready copy and insert the graphic into the page.

  • There is no charge for us to scan the card or artwork.
  • To use a scanned image, send us 2 clean copies of the ad / card ( no smudges, marks or wrinkles).


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